Rentals in Houston and Mold (Based on personal experience)

Experience: Indoor Air Quality Testing and Analysis 7 Years

1. Apartments are always in denial and attempt to cover up problems rather than fix them at the expense of 1000’s of peoples health. Air quality testing should be required in order to rent a unit to anyone. The testing should result in no indoor air quality issues. From ventilation, VOC’s, Particle contamination, CO, and H2S. The most prevalent problem that I see is the ignorance of landlords and malignant intentional neglect by other landlords when it comes to mold. The practice of painting over mold, ignoring complaints and otherwise endangering the health of the occupants of their properties. At the very least a mold clearance test requirement would be a fantastic start to protecting the public from unscrupulous landlords. It seems to my understanding that the state is favoring the land owners bank accounts over the health and well being of the public. Construction methods need to be reevaluated considering the prevalence of mold issues in this part of the country. Mold insurance mandates should be implemented on insurance companies on Home Owner’s insurancee. (Mold must be included and illegal to exclude on any Texas Home Owner’s insurance policy)

Bottom Line: Nothing is being done to protect the masses from mold contamination in living structures across Texas.

This is already violating Texas Law! The Deceptive Trade Practices Act! This law states any action whether intentional or unintentional causes someone to be tricked in the act of commerce.

Home Inspections should include Complete Indoor Air Quality Testing and Analysis:

Protect your home and your health, your most expensive and most precious possessions with Complete Indoor Air Quality Testing and Analysis. Find hidden problems with your future investment and prevent these problems from becoming your problems. This is a list of the issues that will be discovered if they exist:



Sewer Gas:

Carbon Monoxide:

TVOC’s (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) (Gasses and Chemicals in the Air)

Particle Contamination of 6 Different Particle Sizes: .3 Microns, .5 Microns, 1 Micron, 2.5 Microns, 5 Microns, 10 Micron sized particles. Particle Contamination will reveal 100’s of potential problems in the air quality of a dwelling or building. Mold, Dust Mite, Pet Dander, Bacteria, Viruses, Dust, Smoke and many others.