Yellow 900x100
Call 832-603-0379 to Find What is in Your Air Now!

Is your Air Safe?

Is your Air Safe?

Is your Air Safe?

Is your Air Safe?

Allergy Symptoms?

Top Rated Business by HomeAdvisor

HomeAdvisor Elite Service Award - IAQ AnalyticalScreened & Approved by HomeAdvisor

Indoor Air Quality Testing Steps

Step 1: The Phone Interview to test your air.

A series of questions to determine what must be done and what issues have to be dealt with to test your air.

Step 2: Phone & Email Price Quote

Price will be given and agreed to via phone with a follow up e-mail prior to setting appointment.

Step 3: Appointment Setting via phone and confirmation email

Step 4: Appointment Confirmation via phone one hour before arrival

Step 5: Arrival of the IAQ Inspector

Step 6: Equipment setup and preparation. It will take approximately a half hour for our instruments to stabilize.

Step 7: After the setup is finished, air sampling begins. An air sample is taken in each & every room in the building. This takes from 5-10 minutes in each room. Once air sampling has been completed inside the building, a sample will be taken of the outside air.

Step 8: When air sampling has been completed, the data is then taken to our office where it is transferred to a computer which generates a 40-60 page written report.

Step 9: The report is then sent to the customer via email and followed up immediately with a phone call.

Step 10: At this point the inspector will go over the computer generated report item by item with explanations for all details in the report and alerting the customer to any issues that are discovered and where those issues are coming from. Suggestions on how to remediate the issues will also be given at this time. We do not do the remediation as this would be a conflict of interest.